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Blepharoplasty Eye Treatments

An ophthalmic surgery that can improve your vision and remove unsightly wrinkles.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Our eyelid skin becomes thinner as we age. This leads to the skin folding onto itself, forming so-called bags under our eyes. Apart from giving the appearance of fatigue, eye bags can also lead to poorer vision.

Blepharoplasty is a safe surgical procedure that removes some of the excess eyelid tissue, better known as dermatochalasis. As a result, those undergoing this treatment can benefit from the removal of excess fat on the upper lids, leading to fresh and younger eyelids with the likelihood of improved vision.

As with any other proven medical procedure, the surgery is only done following a full ophthalmic examination. During this examination, the person’s full face, vision and visual function are assessed. In addition, tests are also carried out to check for other ophthalmic conditions, such as dry eye and blepharitis.

Blephoraplasty 2:33

No more droopy and baggy eyelids!

In this video Ms Maria Agius, Cosultant Ophthalmologist, talks through the procedure, the recovery period and the results patients can expect!

What are the alternatives to Blepharoplasty?

Following the initial examination, the consultant will provide guidance to the patient on the optimum course of action. Blepharoplasty might not be necessary, especially in cases where patients present with mild eye bags or lower lid skin laxity. In such cases, proper skin care or a specialised chemical peel might suffice.

In instances where the patient presents with deep tear troughs, the consultant might recommend a hyaluronic acid gel filler to be injected into the periocular region. This should increase the soft tissue volume and mend the affected area. Such a treatment could be repeated periodically as required.

What types of Blepharoplasty exist?

Blepharoplasty can take place on either the upper or lower lid.

Understanding Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

To carry out a Blepharoplasty on the upper eyelid, an incision is made. This is normally done on the upper eyelid skin crease in order to minimise any scarring and promote the best healing.

The surgery itself involves the removal of an elliptical piece of skin and muscle and is carried out primarily using a blade and a Colorado needle. This specialised equipment keeps damage to the affected tissue to a minimum and also significantly reduces bleeding.

Upper Lid Blepharoplasty is then completed with the skin incision being carefully sutured.

Understanding Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty on the lower lid is less frequently required. When it is, the incision is typically done either from the inside or outside of the lower eyelid, depending on the surgeon’s chosen approach.

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Ready to correct your vision?